Thursday, May 26, 2011

It can't rain all the time...

It rained all last night. Distant thunder, softly pattering rain. Cool temperatures, so it was good sleeping weather, at least, although I slept fitfully last night, woke around 1 and around 2 for no apparent reason. Lots of odd dreams -- inside a convoluted El station (I think I've dreamed about this train station before, honestly -- this massive, labyrinthine train El station I have to wend my way through); the boys and I in this mall that had this neon-banked walk-through video game that had this neon mummy that would chase you quasi-comically as you ran down the corridors, bouncing and bounding on these barricades to escape. B2 and I were on this one, and he stumbled at one point, and I said to the mummy we had to do it over. The dream had it first that it was a digital neon mummy, but then I saw that it was an actor playing that role, and while he was like "Okay" I could tell he was tired, didn't want to have to run through the corridor again, so I felt sorry for him, doing this thankless gig. And then I dreamed I was at a lackluster party, and I suggested we do improv to liven things up, but I insisted that only people who knew how to improv participate, so a half-dozen of us (including an unaccountably youthful Bill Murray) wrangled this improv performance in the midst of the party, which slyly subverted the languid party and livened things up, although then more people arrived to the party, not realizing that we were doing improv, which made the party more like this massive performance art piece, weirdly enough. Trippy dream(s) last night.

I was a little down last night, but I think it was mostly just me being tired. I usually cheer up when I've had some sleep, although I don't like that my sleep was interrupted last night, for whatever reason.