Monday, April 11, 2011

Balloon Man

Beautiful light today, and the day got milder, which was nice. A couple of amusing things happened on the way back home with the boys -- one had a tall, attractive, well-dressed woman clacking behind us in knee boots, brandishing some balloons (one was a red, white, and blue braid, the other was a pink and purple hat), and she caught up with the boys and me and said "Can I interest you guys in some balloons?" and, of course, for a moment, my city radar is in place, and I'm thinking "What's the catch?" but there was none apparent, so I said "Sure." and she gave us the balloons, and I thanked her, and then she strutted off on her merry way. The boys loved getting some free balloons out of the blue like that.

Then, a few minutes later, I stopped by a store to get some orange juice for the boys, and one of the mothers from B1's school came in with her own boys and said "You know, I see you every day, walking with your boys, wearing that scarf of yours, and you always get it to hang perfectly, and I ask myself 'How can this guy get that scarf to hang like that?' It's always just perfect." and I said "What can I say? It's a gift." and said my farewells a moment later. I hadn't seen that mom before, although I recognized her kids. What CAN I say? Scarves are a necessity in the city, during the cold months.