Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You Know What?

Sunny today. Still chilly, however. But the daylight keeps going. I've been relatively unproductive the past day or so. Just trying to get my feet under me, doing research.

Broke the 10,000 mark on hits on this blog yesterday. Not much of a milestone, in Net terms, but I usually axe blogs by around the 6000th hit mark, decided to keep this one going for fun.

I was thinking about Japan and their nuclear disaster woes. If you look at Japan's plate tectonics, it's scary to think how many nuclear plants they have over there. It's a geological powderkeg. I mean, just look at it...

They're going to have to do more than simply "earthquakeproof" buildings; going forward, the entire infrastructure of Japan is going to have to be adapted to the geological reality of that country.

Meanwhile, we're in our third war. Lordy. All we need is for North Korea to go after South Korea and we can have four. There was, certainly, a humanitarian crisis going on, there, but oil has surely greased the skids on our involvement, there. Thankfully, the "rational" Republicans are in charge in the House, which'll mean more dependence on fossil fuels, less conservation, ignoring climate science data, less oversight and regulation of the energy industry, running away from any alternative energy sources -- stupid is as stupid does. As ever, they're keen to bring 19th century solutions to 21st century problems, then they wonder why their notions don't work, or make the country ultimately weaker. *golf applause* I just wish Obama would show some backbone and stick it to them, rather than trying to work a "bipartisan" solution (in other words, caving to Republican intransigence).