Monday, January 31, 2011

Abominable Snow, Man!

Supposedly we're (the Midwest, or as much as one-third of the country) are about to get pummeled by some super-blizzard (tonight? Tomorrow? I'm not entirely sure). We'll see if it actually happens, but the weatherfolks are claiming it's going to be "dangerous" and so forth. Normally, I would do a proactive grocery run, but I just went the other day for a few things, so I'm going to make due with what I've got on hand. As long as the boys are covered, foodwise, I don't sweat it. Plus, in the city, even during a big snow, one doesn't have too far to go for supplies (famous last words, right? OoOOooh!)

Sent out another short story, trying to blow on that tinder, catch a few sparks. Part of the grind.

Nothing else terribly exciting. I need a haircut. I'm beginning to look like "Steff" from "Pretty In Pink."