Saturday, November 6, 2010


Man, Winter's here for sure. It's autumn-sunny, but frickin' cold over here. Chicagoans hunkering down as Winter looms. *brrrrrr* Glad for free steam heat in the building. Makes all the difference in the chilly months, but makes it hard to go out and about, just because the contrast between balmy and brisk is so great!

I need to do a grocery run of some fashion sooner than later; supplies are diminishing! I got used to using my bike for those runs, but as the weather gets colder, I'm less-inclined to do that, just because the PITA factor is that much higher for that.

Finished the first draft of the book I was working on, although it's somewhat bittersweet because I know that I have to revise it straightaway. Revision and rewriting is always a pain in the ass; it's easier to write a story out of nothingness than it is to wend your way through your words and rewrite scenes and so on. That'll keep me busy this month. Meantime, short stories beckon. I just log them in my journal and keep to the main project for now.

The boys are good, looking forward to Christmas and snow and sledding, all of that good stuff.