Friday, August 20, 2010

This & Thataway

Today should be fairly busy, although I've soldiered through most of my workload, thankfully. Definitely better off by the end of the week than I was at the front end. Although we'll see how it goes, what curveballs come this way. Some promising opportunities, jobwise, which I'm hoping will come through for me. We'll see.

I've changed up my writing schedule a bit, just to reflect the exigencies of the week. I'm doing short stories on the weekdays (or, more accurately, one short story per the weekday schedule), and am working on the long fiction on the weekend. I think, at least for now, it works better in terms of available time, since I need a bigger bloc of time for long fiction, which is easier to come by on the weekend. Whereas short fiction is something I can resolve on a normal 5-day schedule. I contacted a publisher regarding one of my story submissions, and am hoping it gets picked up. We'll see. Publishing schedules are always tricky.

I may take the boys to the Willis Tower SkyDeck this weekend, that is something they've been jonesing to do for awhile, so I may indulge them. It's tourist-pricey, but it's super-cool, and they should dig it! Or at least B1 will (B2 is a definite thrillseeker, but he can balk at unpredictable moments). I'll take some good pix of it, if we manage to go. Nothing much else on tap for the weekend, beyond writing and biking and SkyDecking.

That power outage at work was odd; ComEd was doing some work, not sure what tripped up the power. It was several city blocks that lost it, like a straight line going west. They fixed it in about a half an hour. Haven't had that much fun since Sparky the Raccoon got fried on a power line. Sparky was my name for him -- it was quite ghoulish: a raccoon had climbed one of the electrical poles and had apparently electrocuted itself. It was hanging upside down from that pole, and because its pelt matched the old bleached wood color, I don't think anybody noticed for a very long time. Of course, I noticed, and I dubbed the raccoon "Sparky" in honor of its demise. Sparky was there for months, before somebody finally saw him and took him down. Weirdly, there's a nook at the top of the pole, and since Sparky's passing (this was a few years ago), a squirrel has turned that pole into a kind of clubhouse, storing nuts in the top, I guess. It just shinnies up the pole and vanishes in the top.