Friday, July 9, 2010

Tiki Taka

Get ready for Spain to put the Tiki Taka hurt on Holland Sunday! And savor the grooooooove.

I'm getting up early tomorrow and leaving for my trip to North Carolina. If I've got any computer access where I'm headed, I'll blog and share my adventures. Otherwise, you'll just have to wait.

I'm bringing some Faulkner and Flannery O'C to read, have some notebooks to longhand a short story, and am otherwise gonna just chill out and enjoy the trip. I'm driving a bright red Chevy Impala. VRROOOOOOOM! Lotsa room, lotsa power (need the power for the mountains I'm gonna be driving over.

I love mountains. The Appalachians are some of the world's oldest mountains. I love that, too.