Thursday, May 20, 2010


Mild and pleasant day today. Foot still hurts. Blah!

I got B1 an old Waterworks game -- got the 1970s version I played as a kid. It's the card came you play where you're supposed to complete a length of pipe. He LOVES it. But I knew he would. We played like five times last night (by his request). Very cute to see him enjoying that so much. I forget what made me think he'd love it -- something he saw, was fascinated by. My Dwarvish boy, fascinated by pipes! If he doesn't end up a doctor, he's sure to be an engineer or maybe an architect. Something like that. He's so sweet and smart and serious and sensitive.

I'm going to write the new screenplay in the next few days. I only have two weeks to get it done, but it should be only about 12,000 words, judging from how long the original one took, and I should be able to get that done, although I'm going to have to work hard on it. Time is running out! I'm determined to make the deadline, however. If I lose the competition, I'm gonna be peevish. We'll see.