Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chase Seen

Saw an odd thing the other day, while waiting curbside for my bus home: I saw a car chase! There were two vehicles: one was a convertible red BMW driven by two middle-aged men, and their pursuer was in a white Mini Cooper Turbo.

They caught my eye when I saw them sloppy-driving down 60th Street, weaving and zig-zagging. Then the BMW took a hard left (all skidding tires and what-not) and waited at the stop sign, with the Cooper hot on their tail.

The BMW guys were fairly serious in demeanor, weren't laughing it up or anything -- one of them looked like he was huffing and puffing, like he was scared. Not sure WHAT the deal was.

When the traffic let them, the BMW took off, with the Cooper right on them, honking and racing after them. I lost sight of them as they shot off toward Lake Shore Drive. No idea what it was all about.

This older woman was waiting there with me at the stop, and she said "Huh. I thought Mini Cooper drivers were supposed to be all mellow and stuff." and I said "I don't know; I think maybe they're secretly cauldrons of rage or something."

No idea what the heck was going on, but I wish I'd had a camcorder handy to record the weirdness, the stop-go car chase.