Monday, April 19, 2010

What's more?

I have nothing worthwhile to share today. It's been sunny-but-cool lately. The birthday weekend blew, nothing fancy. I just played with the boys, mostly, did a little transcribing. I'm trying to get the various writing projects done, but need to carve out more time for them. And I really need to find a job in the Loop. I'm sick to death of Hyde Park; I miss working downtown.

I really don't want to do freelance editorial work. Urk. This weekend, B1 has a camping outing with the Cub Scouts. I have to remember to pack cold-weather gear aplenty, because I'm sure it'll get frickin' cold! I nearly froze during last year's spring camp-out (shivering at the memory -- seriously, it was the coldest I've ever been, I think). I also have to rent a Zipcar or the like to get out to the campsite. While I don't miss the pain in the assery of owning a car in the city, there is a bit of PITA in renting, too.

I need to start making lists, just to get things all done. It's so easy to get distracted.