Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Trotted out the suede shoes (weatherproofed, mind you), as it's springtime, and it just seems right. Fuck the rain. Viva la Suede!

Started working on a writing project again (one from late last year), finding my feet on it, while the new "real-world" story germinates. Good stuff, should be. Gonna make it so, anyway.

Slept uneasily last night. I think my asthma and reflux are worse in Spring and Fall -- I think all the mold gets to me. I know I'm strongly allergic to mold, and I know those times of year are tough for me. I feel that more than a bit.

B1 was sweet -- I was getting the boys ready for their day, and he sighed contentedly and said "You're so NICE, Daddy. You're a nice guy." That made me smile, warmed my heart. I asked "What'd I do?" and he said "Nothing, you just ARE." I loved hearing that. One of the rewards of parenting. I'm good at being a dad, and I enjoy it so much. My guys'll learn how to be good dads from me, and that makes me happy.