Monday, March 8, 2010

Costume Designed

I actually watched the Oscars last night. That was something I rarely ever do, but I was curious to see what and who would win this year, and it was fun ogling the fashions and the stars and what-not. I got a kick out of Sandy Powell's outfit -- she won her third Oscar for Costume Design, and I liked the moxie she had in her own choices. Spunky, offbeat. Loved the peacock-hued fingernails, and how the bangles played to the colors of the dress (which itself had an almost Art Deco vibe to it -- like Art Deco on a bender, with a touch of 80s flair). Loved the exuberant eccentricity of it, and how she carried herself! (and she was gracious in her thank-you speech, as well). It fits that someone who has excelled in Costume Design over the years would, in turn, craft a memorable costume for herself at the Oscars. I could totally see Corvina playing this way...