Monday, March 1, 2010

Aches and Pains, Time and Space

Got the Census form done. Had some amusing moments, since I was filling out everything for everybody in the household. One last time. The Census is done every ten years. Weird to think about that, where I was this year, and 2000 (just started at the Press, no kids, yet), and 1990 (in college, a very, very fateful year for me, it turned out).

2010 is going to be so much better a year for me than 2008-2009 (although, bizarrely, I could probably trace the troubling years going back to 2001 onward -- just a dissonance that grew and grew and grew until things broke in 2008, and 2009 was a year of sorting through the rubble; 2010 is my year of rebuilding. I'm more than ready for it.)

I'm eating a "HUG ME" Valentine's Day lollipop B2 gave me. He had some kind of candy stash left over from Valentine's Day, something he got at preschool. Little scamp! I gave him a hug when he gave it to me.