Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I'm still watching lots of Olympics, enjoying my "staycation" of sorts (mostly just not fiction-writing at the moment, but I am doing a lot of blogging, obviously). Exene goes off on yet another marathon this weekend, so it's just me and the boys. Good times! (honestly) The month of March will live up to its name, lemme tellya! I have so much to be done. My last month of being in my 30s -- I intend to put the time to good use.

Speaking of writing, I should find out tomorrow whether the novel I entered in the Amazon competition advances or not. We'll see. I can't get my hopes up, but it would be nice to at least advance past that first round of eliminations (then only three more rounds to go -- *GAK*)

On the bus, which was pretty crowded (well, my second part of my commute, up the Mag Mile), I counted 19 people in my immediate area, and took stock of what they were doing:
  • 1 writing on notepad (me)
  • 4 reading books
  • 1 reading newspaper
  • 2 listening to their iPods
  • 2 reading Kindles
  • 2 using cell phones (one texting, the other on the phone)
  • 1 using iPhone (I can't be sure what she was doing -- either playing a game or texting)
  • 6 just sitting there
Just thought it was interesting, the tech breakdown. I see so many more Kindles on the bus this year (although last year, I was bad and hardly rode the bus at all, compared with my overall CTA use -- I rode the Donkey a lot last year [and in 2008]). Kindles all over the place, although books still dominate among reading materials, at least for now. People better hope we don't have any solar storms anytime soon, playing havoc with electronics.