Friday, February 26, 2010

Just a Dash

One thing in "The Incredibles" that always sorta stuck in my craw is how they have Dash sign up for track. Now, the kid has super-speed as his superpower, right? And in the end, we see Dash at a track meet, and his folks urging him to come in a close second in a race he could completely win.

Of course, it's played for comedic effect, with norms looking on like "WTF?" But still, it kinda bugs me -- why not have the kid try out for wrestling? Something where his super-speed wouldn't be quite such an advantage? What's the point of him running very slowly in a track meet in a track meet he could easily win? The message of it is kinda annoying. Better for him to diversify than to simply fake it in a race he knows he could win. A real accomplishment, instead of an ersatz one.

Otherwise, I enjoy that movie a lot, hope they do a sequel for it; it's already long overdue.