Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So, B2's registered for soccer in the fall. We've giving B1 a break from it. I talked Exene into backing off B1 on that, since he didn't seem to give a rat's ass about it, and I'd rather have him do something he wants to do than do something he feels like he's supposed to do. B1'll have enough of a background in soccer that, should he want to play again, he could probably pick it up, although I doubt team sports are really his thing.

My foot is slowly healing. B2 jumped on it yesterday, which hurt more than a bit, but I didn't let that on except to say "Ow." My little rough-n-tumble youngster. One part song-and-dance man, one part soccer hooligan -- no doubt in equal measure, since he's a Libra and all of that.