Tuesday, December 13, 2011


So, I wrapped the last of the boys' presents, have them tucked away. B1 actually discovered one of his presents in the closet -- I know because the shirt I'd covered it with had been replaced with a different one. I had the thing wrapped, thankfully. I let him shake it once his brother was asleep (had to do that, because if B2 knew there were presents in the apartment, he'd be combing the place top to bottom). Anyway, B1 was stoked at the present (which is in a big box). He has no idea what it is, but he's going to love it! It's something he's asked for in previous years, so I made a point to get it for him this go'round. He'll be so excited to open it!

I was tickled that B1 successfully described the lunar eclipse the other day -- he knew it for what it was. Go, B1! Woo hoo! I told him about the theoretical possibility of diamond planets, too, and he was totally intrigued by that. I've said it before, but B1 is going to absolutely love physics. I can see that so clearly. I'm doing what I can to help him rock the mathematics so he can dive right into that, because he so clearly has a math-oriented mind.

Apparently Exene is going to take the boys to see her family after Christmas (like the day after, for a few days). That kinda bugs me -- even though I get Christmas Eve/Day with the boys this year, with that trip of hers looming behind the holiday that way, it feels kind of like the bum's rush a bit.

I need to bake some biscotti for the season. I love biscotti, especially around the holidays. No frickin' pizzelles or sesame cookies for me, Paisan -- gimme some frickin' biscotti! Which, in truth, I'll make myself, if you don't frickin' mind. And they will rock, because I make some damned fine biscotti. Mangiare!