Monday, April 26, 2010


Alright, so I finished transcribing the screenplay. It's currently 99 pages long, and I've got over a month until the deadline, so I'm well ahead of schedule. Next up, printing it out and reading through it, and then tightening it up and revising as required, then blocking it out and judging the pacing, all of that kind of stuff. Then I'll let some folks read it, see if they like it, try to incorporate their feedback in as timely a fashion as I can, and get it submitted before the June 3 deadline.

I really, really hope I win! Need some good luck for a change!

Where's the fun?

I was amused the other day, getting some cold medicines from CVS for B1 -- in addition to the receipt, I got an additional slip saying "Preventing Teen Cough Medicine Abuse." and I snickered at this, which had the clerk (a 20-something) chuckling, too. I said "Can't abuse that cough syrup, now can we?" and he said "I know, right? Where's the fun in that?"

Boys will be...boys?

I'm home with the boys today -- B1 had a fever last night, a chest something-or-other that had him coughing a fair piece, so I'm keeping an eye on him and taking care of him and his brother today. B2 had his usual preschool stuff to attend to.

I also did the dishes, took out the trash, and am in the process of cleaning the boys' room and looking for new jobbage.

While in the midst of this, I hear squabbling in the other room, B1 crying out, and I see B2 astride his brother, B1 on his stomach, with B2 brandishing the ball peen hammer we use to drive the tent stakes when camping. I always keep it high above B2, out of his reach -- but Exene had put all the camping gear in a box on the floor, where B2 could reach it, and he used it to go after his big brother. Lordy. I managed to intercede before B2 could get more than one clumsy blow on his brother's shoulder, but lordy, lordy.

B2 is so much more of a scrapper than his sweet big brother. B1 is much bigger than his baby brother, but he's also so much kinder and sweeter -- it doesn't occur to him to take a rubber mallet and use it as a weapon.

I'm sure households with lots of girls in them have their own issues, but somehow, a household of boys makes a ball peen hammer bludgeoning likelier, no? I'm just glad I got the hammer from B2 before it really became Hammer Time.

Sheesh. I made B2 take a time out and then come out and give his brother a hug and a kiss and apologize for hitting him.

AND, I put that hammer back where I had it before, hell and gone from B2's diminutive-yet-deadly clutches!

I should also add that B2 loves and idolizes his big brother. He just adores him. But he is also much more of a rough-houser than his big brother, and that comes up from time to time.