Monday, March 22, 2010

PPD: Playful

An hour of play discovers more than a year of conversation.

Nom Nom Nom

It's Chicago Chef Week, which is like the second act of Restaurant Week. Nummers!

Today is a good day

I look like a roadie for Interpol today. It just seemed like a day to wear a tie to work, what can I say? I'm in a pretty good mood -- got the taxes done (yesterday), got my writing done, made a kickass lasagna, just enjoyed life in general (or at least being alive). I felt a keen sense of where I was going, what I am doing this year, and it made me feel good, like clouds that have haunted me for time time finally parting, letting warm sunlight in.

I just need to find a good job downtown. That would make everything fucking ducky.

I'm going to work on that. I think I just like having a rough plan in place -- there is satisfaction in being "on purpose" that I sometimes lose sight of, since I am not a strategic thinker, I am the consummate tactician. But every now and then, I will plan things out and will work to make that plan bear fruit for me, and I feel that I have enough of a plan in place (with enough flexibility -- I always need that) that it reassures me. It really is going to be alright.

What a far cry from the dark days of 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008. Lordy, lordy. But truly, I am happier than I've been in years, and getting happier still. I made the right decision. I was unsure of that in 2008, really did soul-searching back then, but I realized that it was the right thing. Even with the incredible frustrations of the logistics of it (especially in 2009), I was happier than I'd been for years before. It was telling.

2010 is going to be marvelous; 2011, better still. Onward, upward! Woo hoo!

Oooh, yes

Stand and be counted!

I'm partial to Fauxhemians, Ironoclasts, Sigh-Borgs, Try-Hards, Doucheoisie, Trendsluts, and Trendizens, myself.


Looking west over the city.


I'm pleased that Obama and company got the health care bill passed. Even though it's not nearly strong enough for what our country needs, it is an unqualified reform, and the politics of compassion, hope, and progress beat out the politics of fear, despair, and hate. The Republicans (and their assorted running dogs) have to be eating their hats right now -- they gambled politically on denying the Democrats (and most particularly, Obama) any kind of legislative success, but they lost. Now they're really going to be in a jam. Good. They deserve to be, the douchebags.

2300 words yesterday.