Saturday, September 24, 2011


These are deadly-good...

Not my hand, btw.
I'm always buying the last couple of boxes before they're sold out. It's always a competition to score those before they're gone, so others realize that they're food of the gods, too.

Falling Leaves

Went ambling through the city last night, since the weather was so good. Lots of people out, enjoying it. Already nearing the end of September, with October nipping at one's heels. This month flew by. I need to buckle down and get into my autumnal writing groove. I've got so many pieces to work on, it's going to be hard to choose. At this point, I'm tempted to just do them alphabetically, but I know that'll never work with me. I'll need to do them based on either how soon they can be completed or else which ones inspire me most. I just know how I am, especially for first drafts -- I have to go with inspiration, first, just to get that first draft done. Then the discipline part kicks in with revision.

Did you see that stuff about neutrinos? I am hoping it's corroborated, because that'll be awesome, will pull the rug out from under physics for generations, which'll make for a lot of excited/perplexed/enraged physicists. We'll see. Science is fun. Haha!