Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving! I have the boys today and tomorrow; I think Exene is running the Turkey Trot 8K today (I'm almost positive she is), which is fine by me, since the boys'll have fun with me as I cook'em a nice lil' meal. The game plan is (this is obviously geared toward the boys)...

Turkey with gravy
Chicken tenders with sweet BBQ sauce
Macaroni and cheese
Mashed potatoes
Steamed broccoli
Tossed salad
Sliced Honeycrisp apples
Crusty bread
Gingerbread cookies
Plum pudding with hard sauce
Apple cider
Calvados (for me -- haha)

I was going to bake some pumpkin muffins, but discovered that the pumpkin I thought I had in the cupboard wasn't there, after all.

I'm setting up shop in the living room, around a little table I'm going to cover with an Indian blanket we have. The boys should enjoy at least some of it, anyway.

Interesting piece on Thanksgiving.

It's all nice and toasty in the apartment, and with the Christmas tree up, it looks extra holiday-homey.