Friday, May 14, 2010

Black Hole Son

B1 loves anything with black holes. He's fascinated by them, so we have a few videos about'em, and he loves watching them over and over again.

Of course, any time I watch one of them, I can't help but think that I know what companion stars to black holes feel like...

Exene (l), and me (r).


I ordered a Swervedriver tee from their web site last night. I've wanted a Swervedriver t-shirt for years and years, but Exene would never get me one. In fact, on our last date outing together as a quasi-couple, where I took her to see Swervedriver (this was in 2008), I actually bought her a ladies' Swervedriver tee (this one), the last one they had, saying "Well, I'd rather somebody get a Swervedriver tee than nobody get one." And she would habitually rub it in my face like how she had that tee, and how some guys would approvingly note whenever she'd wear it.

And I'd say "I don't care. You only heard about them because of me, and you only got the t-shirt because I bought it for you -- you can't lord it over me that you have one of their shirts, because you made no effort. I mean, you can't even name a member of the band, or name any of their songs, or even any of the pedals pictured on that tee, and what they do to the sound of their guitars." (which is precisely the point of Swervedriver -- THE GUITARS) And she couldn't, just said "It doesn't matter. All that matters is that I have a Swervedriver t-shirt, and you don't." And I said "If you're going to pretend to like them, you should at least know that stuff, because the kind of person who actually likes that band is going to be a person who actually knows something about that band, and they'll know you're a complete poser in like two seconds." (among other things, I thought, sotto voce).

Anyway, the tee that I got isn't the one I really wanted, but it's fun enough. I like anything that plays with that whole NBA league motif. There was a great one that had Leatherface in silhouette wielding a chainsaw against red, white, and blue, but I can't find it anymore, unfortunately. This one is okay...


Still bronchial. Bleah. *KOFF*

B1 has an EARLY soccer game tomorrow (8 a.m.). Hate those early games, but thankfully they're only once per season. I'm going to get a Zipcar for tomorrow, and take'em there, and then do a grocery run afterward.

I had a lot of weird dreams last night, although I forgot'em upon waking, naturally. It was cold last night! B2 was in the sofabed with me, curled up at my feet! I put some blankies on him so he could stay warm. He kept my feet warm!