Saturday, December 4, 2010


We got our first real snow of the winter season! Woo hoo!

Word Up!

In preparation for my latest round of fiction-flinging (that is, trying to get publishers to take my stuff), I did a bit of an audit of my work, and was pleased with the numbers, all the stuff I've written from 2002 to present.

Calculating everything, I've written over 1,000,000 words in that span of time! Woo hoo! There's nearly 700,000 words stretched over 12 novels, and over 313,000 words in 32 short stories -- this doesn't even factor in various fragments and false starts, but actual completed drafts. That makes me very happy. I'm a publisher's dream, if they'd only take note. Even working full-time, with Exene in the mix for nearly all of those years, I was able to be both productive and prolific. Of the books, there are six Fantasy novels, three Young Adult, one Science Fiction, two Horror.

I'm well pleased with my results. I haven't even gotten started, truly. Plenty more stuff to write, things to do, all of that good stuff.