Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Today was annoying. Just dealing with work stuff. Way too much going on, too few people to do it, and nobody communicating and/or knowing what's going on. It stresses me out.

Simpson Looking Back

Jessica Simpson's lamenting more than her expressionless eyes, I guess...

Who Knew Dickless Had Big Balls?

I did. Don't believe? Check it out...

Best chick Grunge band? They certainly get props for their band name, which is great for a Grunge Grrl Group. Kelly Canary's vocals (I would classify them as a gila monster gargling gunpowder and whiskey-soaked razorblades) are alternatively off-putting and charming, especially when paired with the killer riff they have as the bedrock of that tune. Dickless were a blink-and-you'd-miss-them band, but the above cut is priceless and unforgettable.

Their tune, "Sweet Teeth," plays a bit with Sabbath's "Sweet Leaf" riff, adding bucketloads of Grunge to it...

Dickless, "Sweet Teeth"


I woke up around 3:30 this morning. Just woke and couldn't get back to sleep. It's been nicer than it has been -- cool in the evenings, and not blisteringly hot and humid as it has been.