Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I've got some kind of bronchitis thing going right now -- it's been creeping up to me, day by day, until last night, around 2:48 a.m., I woke up coughing a great deal, trying to clear my lungs. Stupid lungs. No fever, nothing else -- just bronchitis. I had that hit me for about six months in college -- I used to call it my "death rattle" back then. Anyway, *KOFF* Hopefully it'll abate sooner than later.

So, the deadline for the screenplay is coming up. I need to get that done. Not stressing about it, yet -- I have 23 days left to get it done. Plenty of time, right? Hahah! I'll make it count.

I sent out one of my short stories to a magazine. I have another one to sling out soon enough. As ever, the markets for short fiction are tight. It's terribly hard to find new (decent) niches. Also, I'm thinking of targeting European publishers for my book(s) -- I think European readers like my work more than American ones, judging from the reception I've gotten. That's fine by me, if it means more exposure. I joke that I can pull a literary Clint Eastwood (or Jimi Hendrix), basically -- get my bona fides in Europe before taking the States.

Once I get the screenplay done, I'm working on the "real-world" story, will dedicate about six weeks to getting that done, so I should have that done before the trip to North Carolina with the boys and me. That'll be good -- I can bring the manuscript and read through it on that vacation.

I will say that, despite the tooth-gnashingly frustrating money situation that keeps Exene in near-orbit right now, being liberated from having to entertain her has given me a lot of time to create more, and I've been very productive the past year or so. When I get my own place, that'll be even more the case, since I won't be always minding the boys.

Last night, I set up in the living room (sofabed), and Exene went into the boys' room (as is our usual routine), and the boys were like "Where are YOU gonna be, Daddy?" and they both ran to join me in the sofabed. I'm sure that drove Exene bananas, but maybe she preferred the peace and quiet. Who knows? They love their Daddy time. B1's excited about the road trip to North Carolina. He loves road trips. We're gonna be driving over mountains, so that'll be exciting for the boys. We're going to see my family there (my oldest stepsister's summer place). It's been years since our whole family's been together, so everybody'll be excited to see the kids.

Guess I should get back to work. BORING!