Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Pict Picking Pix

So, I went through some of my pictures, narrowed my selection to about 60 pictures, then culled down to 34, then 29, then 10, then six, and now have my top four selected for the competition. I think they're all strong shots, have a good chance of advancing (?) -- although we'll see. With my luck, I don't know. Truly cannot get my hopes up, but I'm going to try, anyway.

Gonna get a haircut sometime this week -- my springtime ritual, shedding my wintertime locks. My hair's not long, as I've said; it's just shaggy. Getting some white hairs creeping into my generally auburn sideburns! Hey! That's alright. It works. It's all good.

10 days until I turn 40. Ooooh! Truly, I'm about twice as happy at 40 as I was at 38, or 36, or even 27 -- not precisely where I need to be, but I'd like to think I'm on the on-ramp to Happy.

I have a lot to say about that -- life, love, love of life, a life of love, all of that -- but I'm at work ("Where Fun Comes to Die"), so I'll get to that later. I'm thinking a bit about the "Bohemian values" articulated in "Moulin Rouge"(of all places) -- Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and Love, and what that means, exactly. Is all love that you feel true love? Are there shades of it? Degrees? It seems contrary to the idea of True Love for it to be a matter of degree -- like you're filling a tub with water, a little hot, a little cold, getting the temperature just right. That doesn't seem at all romantic. I don't think True Love can be controlled -- you either know True Love, or you don't. I have known people who are honestly "love-avoidant" -- like it's an alien idea to them. Or they love/hate themselves too much to actually open their hearts to True Love. Too much of either can blind you to it. But enough yammering for now.


We've been getting a lot of storms lately. Very classic Spring weather (in general), although for Chicago, I can't remember, to be honest. Spring is such a brief season in Chicago, land of short Summer, fleeting Fall, and lengthy Winter.

I kept hammering away on the screenplay this morning -- I'm also still working on the six-week book, mind you; I'm just multi-tasking. Since the deadline for the screenplay is in June, I'm trying to get a first draft (and then a revised draft) for it done in advance of that deadline so I can get it to readers and get their input with enough time for additional revisions, as needed.

I'm going to send some pix to a photography competition, too; I have tons of pix shot, and am pretty good with a camera. Odds are nothing will come of it, but I'm going to try, anyway.

Eating spaghetti and (turkey) meatballs for lunch. I made it over the weekend. Did I mention that I love cooking? Hahah!