Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We've been getting a lot of storms lately. Very classic Spring weather (in general), although for Chicago, I can't remember, to be honest. Spring is such a brief season in Chicago, land of short Summer, fleeting Fall, and lengthy Winter.

I kept hammering away on the screenplay this morning -- I'm also still working on the six-week book, mind you; I'm just multi-tasking. Since the deadline for the screenplay is in June, I'm trying to get a first draft (and then a revised draft) for it done in advance of that deadline so I can get it to readers and get their input with enough time for additional revisions, as needed.

I'm going to send some pix to a photography competition, too; I have tons of pix shot, and am pretty good with a camera. Odds are nothing will come of it, but I'm going to try, anyway.

Eating spaghetti and (turkey) meatballs for lunch. I made it over the weekend. Did I mention that I love cooking? Hahah!