Monday, March 1, 2010

Book, reviewed


Cummings Park.


Cummings Park, near the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Aches and Pains, Time and Space

Got the Census form done. Had some amusing moments, since I was filling out everything for everybody in the household. One last time. The Census is done every ten years. Weird to think about that, where I was this year, and 2000 (just started at the Press, no kids, yet), and 1990 (in college, a very, very fateful year for me, it turned out).

2010 is going to be so much better a year for me than 2008-2009 (although, bizarrely, I could probably trace the troubling years going back to 2001 onward -- just a dissonance that grew and grew and grew until things broke in 2008, and 2009 was a year of sorting through the rubble; 2010 is my year of rebuilding. I'm more than ready for it.)

I'm eating a "HUG ME" Valentine's Day lollipop B2 gave me. He had some kind of candy stash left over from Valentine's Day, something he got at preschool. Little scamp! I gave him a hug when he gave it to me.

Swai? Census?

I pan-fried some Swai (aka, Asian Catfish) tonight, with broccoli on the side. Yummers.

Got the LONG Census form in the mail, so I'm going to try to get that done tonight and/or tomorrow morning.

B1 and I planted carnivorous plants in a special container, put it as the centerpiece on the dining room table.

I'm worn out and tired today. Some home front frustrations, delivered on the phone -- babysitting fell through, which is going to cause trouble. Forward March!

Cate Blanchett

What a great portrait!

Pulaski Day

It's Pulaski Day! B1 doesn't have school. They should serve paczkis on Pulaski Day. I bet Casimir Pulaski would totally have eaten them, if the opportunity presented itself.