Friday, February 26, 2010

Still Up

I'm such a caffeine wuss; I had some dark chocolate M&Ms earlier this evening, and they are keeping me up! I know dark chocolate has probably like a thimbleful of caffeine in it, a super-tiny dose, but it still affects me strongly. Anything even remotely caffeinated after about 6 p.m. and I'm up!

So, I'm still trying to match the perfection of the Gemini Bistro's Old Fashioneds. They were so good. I've tried them at any number of places throughout Chicago, and the Gemini's were simply the best.

I made a couple today, came pretty close to it, but not 100%. I'm minding the boys for the next several days, so I'll not be able to do any field research at the Gemini, but I do plan to again. I want to get it right. Right now, I'm tentatively confident that it's

1 shot Maker's Mark
1 shot Cointreau
Several dashes Bitters
A dash of maraschino cherry juice

But I'm not completely sure about it. Maybe more Cointreau? The next time I order one, I'm going to watch the bartender make it (and hope it was the same one who made it back in November), and see if they add anything else. Hey, I take my Epicureanism seriously, dammit. It was the perfect Old-Fashioned, and I want to be able to replicate it!

So, tomorrow I'm going to take the boys to Adler Planetarium -- I told B1 we'd do that, and he was thrilled. I try to get the boys there twice a year, usually summer and winter, just because it's fun for them, a good "little kid" museum (e.g., just enough stuff there to entertain them, not soooo much stuff that they get all worn out). Adler's a trifle pricey for what you get, but twice a year, it's doable.

I guess that's all for the moment. I finally yawned, so maybe the mega-caffeine from the M&Ms (joking) is finally wearing off.

Just a Dash

One thing in "The Incredibles" that always sorta stuck in my craw is how they have Dash sign up for track. Now, the kid has super-speed as his superpower, right? And in the end, we see Dash at a track meet, and his folks urging him to come in a close second in a race he could completely win.

Of course, it's played for comedic effect, with norms looking on like "WTF?" But still, it kinda bugs me -- why not have the kid try out for wrestling? Something where his super-speed wouldn't be quite such an advantage? What's the point of him running very slowly in a track meet in a track meet he could easily win? The message of it is kinda annoying. Better for him to diversify than to simply fake it in a race he knows he could win. A real accomplishment, instead of an ersatz one.

Otherwise, I enjoy that movie a lot, hope they do a sequel for it; it's already long overdue.



Lincoln Park, near Clark Street.


Next Wednesday is the series finale for "Nip/Tuck."

I really enjoyed the first three seasons of that show; I think those were the best. I think they lost their way in the fourth through sixth seasons, and had some good moments in this last season, although it seems very much a show "out of time" -- that is, the world it began in (2003) isn't here quite the same way, anymore. Hopefully the ending will have some edge to it, and it won't be mawkish. It's nice to see Famke Janssen return (aptly cast as the quietly evil, controlling hermaphrodite, Ava). Lord knows what her presence in the story is going to do in that finale. I keep hoping Quentin Costa will return, but that's likely too much to hope for. Sean McNamara is so nuts, he's potentially capable of anything. Although deliberately amoral, Christian Troy is likely to end up hurt by Sean. Julia has returned this season, and her absence has been keenly felt -- the seasons without her always felt empty to me -- she anchored Sean and Christian so well. There was just something very good in the three of them that was lost when she was off the show, so her returning makes this last season brighter. Anyway, one more episode. We'll see how it goes. The first three seasons are well worth your time, if you haven't ever bothered to watch the show.


I am enjoying this long weekend, most definitely. Sucks to not pass the first round of eliminations in the Amazon competition, but judging from the titles of some of the works that DID pass, maybe not such a bad thing...
The Ghost of Laurie Floyd
Passage To Brazil: The Travelers
From Across the Room
Manufactured Thoughts
Wishing for Credence
Driving To Kansas For Dresses
China White
Temp: Life in the Stagnant Lane
FoxTheft - War on the Bayou
When Spirits Beckon
All About Betty
Deep Fried
The Cozen Protocol
But Can You Drink The Water?
Strip Kids
The Katrina Contract
Patent Mine
The Glory that was Glass
The Patriot Spy
The Dies Irae
The Emptying
Treasure On The Frontier
The Season After The War
Wife Seeking Wife
A Lone Palm Stands
The Chabóchi
Pretty Cockroaches
View from Masada
Just saying. Oooh, sour grapes, blah blah blah. But I guarantee I'm a better writer than most of the participants.

I'm going to work on some new stuff this weekend, now that the Olympics is winding down and is freeing my mind to non-Olympics-related stuff. ; )