Monday, May 23, 2011

Hell, yeah!

Atheists Have Better Sex Than Believers.

Bahah! I think it's likely because religious folks are likelier to have sexual hangups and/or guilt associated with their sexuality, something that doesn't come into play with atheists, who are more chill about stuff and, correspondingly, more fun. A sure-fire way to have a pile of sexual hangups is to come from some kind of doctrinaire, authoritarian, disciplinarian, old-time religious household!

I've been biking to work, which is nice, since summerish weather is trying to appear again, although I don't know how much life the ole' bike has left in it -- I'm tired of having to get that rear tire realigned every year, get the spokes fixed. I've done that several years in a row, and it's to the point where the fixes are more than the value of the bike. I figure if the sucker finally fails, I'll get a newer, cheaper city bike, something that can negotiate the ample potholes with aplomb! I don't even need something with many gears -- that way, if/when it gets stolen, I won't have to sweat it.