Sunday, July 24, 2011


My boys were wanting cactus plants, so we went to the plant store and I had them pick out a cactus plant they liked. B2 originally picked one cactus plant, then settled on another, and B1 suggested I take that plant, too, so it wouldn't feel bad at not getting picked. Anyway, it's cute how much the boys are loving their plants. I put'em on the sill, and named my plant Stickler. B2 named his "Giant Red Spikeler," and B1 named his "Spikeless."

Left to right: B1's, mine, and B2's cacti.

It's cute how much B2 loves his cactus. Also, the lemon seeds I planted are sprouting, so we have some seedlings growing, too, along with the other plants. I like for the boys to have their own lil' plants like that. B2 keeps checking out his cactus, told me its nickname is "Jabber."

Amazing that my boys have grown so much over the past couple of years -- B1 has grown 5 inches in the past 2 years; B2 has grown 4 inches in the same time. They're growing so quickly.