Saturday, February 5, 2011


Kirk showing you what a phaser's for, Fuckers!

Not to belabor Trek-related points, but one other telling sign of "The Next Generation's" limp-dicked 90s ethos was the redesign of phasers. Whereas the original 60s phasers were either the little boxes of Phaser I variety, or the more butch Phaser II variety (which incorporated Phaser I in the top, the black part)...

Phaser II means fucking business.

...the TNG phasers looked like fucking Dustbusters...

TNG Phaser: "Shine your boots, Guvner?"

The original phasers looked like they'd fuck you up in a retro futuristic fashion; the TNG phasers looked fit only to pick up lint. You know I'm right.

The first time I saw them dishing those things out, I thought "Oh, nooooo."