Thursday, December 9, 2010


Getting better; the cold was pretty mild. The past few years, the colds that have struck me have been pretty weak, fortunately. I am not complaining, since before then, the strain of cold virus had been pretty robust.

It's been frickin' cold over here, but it's winter, so I don't dwell on it much. Good writing weather, as I call it.

I love this monologue by Keith Olbermann -- gotta love pissed-off liberals. Our country needs far more of them...

No Peace Through Appeasement

I bought the boys' Christmas presents -- now the challenge will be sneaking them into the apartment -- B2 in particular is eagle-eyed, always on the lookout for things. I am a holiday ninja, with a great track record of non-discovery of presents, but I'll have to bring my A-game with B2 out and about. B1 is usually more concerned about computer games than incoming packages. My hiding place is in the master closet, which is cavernous. There's an area to the side of it where I can secret presents, and it's perfectly screened by clothes. Muahaha!

On the writing front, I keep working on final revisions of books that are nearly ready to go. I want as many of them finalized as possible, to get'em out the door to publishers, just to play the odds. For me, it's purely about word counts -- those with the highest word count are getting consideration first, and I'm working my way down from there.

So, that means tackling a pair of Fantasy novels, then a Young Adult/New Adult novel. After that, another Horror novel (that'll bring my total to three Horror novels, although two of them could perhaps be marketed as Supernatural Thrillers -- that's something I wrestle with a lot, like the genre marketing of such things). After that, not sure what I'll do, next. I'll let you know when I get there.