Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mission Statement

Damn. Mission of Burma are coming back to Chicago, for the Wicker Park Music Festival. I saw them the last time they were in town, at Double Door, and they were fantastic. Truly, one of the best small-venue shows I've ever seen. I'm tempted to see them again, EXCEPT that it would mean cooling my heels in Wicker Park, where you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a hipster. Never mind that Wicker Park's been gentrifying for the past decade, or that its best years were another decade before then (and even then, not so swell) -- the WP is still a hipster haven, and the prospect of being there with all the too-cool-for-school motionless minions would be tough to take. I will give Mission of Burma credit at Double Door -- they brought it, and that show actually had an incredible dynamic where they actually broke through the wall of Too Self-Conscious To Dance-ishness that plagues so many shows -- they just did it through sheer chops and performance skill. That show was organic and impressive, a living thing, and by the end, everybody was jumping around and howling, completely transported. But that was in a small indoor venue -- at a festival, it's trickier. I dunno. I likely won't go, although I'm sorely tempted. Mission of Burma are such a good band, I'm glad they've been touring steadily since their reunion. Some bands just ride reunion tours and phone it in, but Misison of Burma bring it. It's better than Wicker Park deserves! Hah!