Monday, July 26, 2010


This weekend was alternately fun and harrowing; I didn't feel like I got a decent break during it, although I still managed to see two movies ("Inception" on Friday night, and "Despicable Me" yesterday with the boy -- I loved the latter, didn't like the former).

Got laundry done, had to deal with that leaky ceiling, cooked Mexican food Saturday and Sunday (tacos Saturday, enchiladas Sunday), took care of the boys, and had an argument with Exene for old times' sake (ha). Just a lot of stuff going on, and I didn't get any writing done, which always leaves me feeling unsettled and ill-at-ease. I'm on the front end of a stack of projects, and just need the proper breathing space to carry them out. Just don't have that breathing space, yet.

I want to get rid of that abominable sofabed we have. I want to take an axe to the fucking thing, replace it with a futon (how collegiate of me, no?) But for the needs of the moment, that's just about ideal. Simple, straightforward. Chop that crappy sofabed into flinders and be done with it. Exene doesn't want it, and the thing popped a rivet or two over the weekend (like imagine me opening the thing and hearing *ping* and seeing a rivet sitting there on the ground, and then the thing not properly closing anymore). I just want to get rid of it, but I have to time it right -- have it limp along until I can get its replacement in place. Voila.

My boys cuted me out all weekend; they're a couple of treasures. Such great kids. I took B1 to a karate class Saturday, which he sorta liked, sorta didn't (he doesn't like the shouting -- the ki-yah's and so forth). There's a closer karate place I may take him to, see if that one is more his style. Not sure.

I'd really like to find work I could do at home; that would be ideal. I mean, as an editor, I could probably cobble together a freelance enterprise one way or another, but it's tricky. Still, it would solve so much if I could do that, just be home with the boys. They'd be happy, and I'd be happy (provided I could make enough to support them).