Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Spain won! Yay! (1 - 0 over Portugal, no mean feat, given Portugal's great defense) So, we're in the quarterfinals, now. I'm rooting for...
  1. Spain
  2. Ghana
  3. Germany
In that order of precedence. Holland plays Brazil Friday -- I'm loosely rooting for Holland in that match, although I don't like their style of play. Uruguay plays Ghana Friday. Obviously, I'm rooting for Ghana in that one. Then, on Saturday, it's Argentina v. Germany and Paraguay v. Spain.

With Germany, I'm supporting their dynamic, attacking style of play. They're a young team, but have played with remarkable tactical finesse that is impressive to watch. Their match against Argentina should be fucking cool, as Argentina is very much of an attacking team. I think Spain should be able to stomp Paraguay, judging from how Paraguay has played (very, very defensive -- Portugal, the #3 ranked team tried that against #2 ranked Spain, and lost -- I think Spain should beat'em).

Ghana is another young team, and they are the little engine that could -- bold, dynamic play. Not nearly as tactically ironclad as the other teams I've seen play; they tend to rely on a strong offense, versus positional play like, say, the Dutch (or, surprisingly, Brazil). They should be able to smoke Uruguay -- which is a little bittersweet, because if the US had managed to advance past Ghana, we could've been up against Uruguay, who would've been arguably easier than anybody else we had to face.

The Brazil v. Holland match could be cool if Brazil kicks it up another notch, or it could be excruciating, if they just mutually grind against each other in this positional, tactical kind of play that depends on the other side making a grievous error for your side to win. We'll see. Or I'll see, anyway.

We're nearing the last week of the World Cup, which is, after the Olympics, my favorite sporting event. I just love the international spirit of it, seeing those teams go at it (and it's only every four years, so you only have to see me nattering on about it once every four years -- hahah!)

The final match is July 11, which'll have me in North Carolina with the boys, visiting my family at my older stepsister's summer place. I already told my folks we totally have to watch that final match, which'll surely be more soccer than my family can handle, but I'm sooo not missing it.