Thursday, February 11, 2010

One down

The novella didn't make it into the anthology, although the comments from the reader/judge were very good, and were in accord with what I felt needed to be done with the story, anyway, so that heartened me. He's clearly a good, sharp reader. I'm fine with rejections so long as people actually read my stuff and offer good feedback, so while it's somewhat disappointing not to get into the anthology, the points he made were valid. I think he liked the story very much, but understand why he passed. And, in truth, I am fine with it, because the story really wanted to be a novel, anyway, and I think I shoehorned a lot into the novella for the sake of not exceeding the word count limit.

Hopefully, the two short stories I have out and the novel will bring me better outcomes! I need to get some more short stories out there, have to find homes for'em. Always such a PITA.